This is IT


Cost: $3200

Please contact us by email at to pay for this membership, we will assist with you with payment. Do not purchase through this link. We will discuss payment options.

Description: At this level, you have decided the time to find your Beshert is NOW and you have become one of our elite matchmaking clients. This means we will be actively seeking your perfect match- this is a personal matchmaking experience as you traditionally think of when hiring a matchmaker but brought forward into the 21st century.


1. We will search the database and match you with between 3-6 matches within 6 months (the sooner and faster we can find matches we will but we want them to be the right match and want quality over quantity).

2. Invites to all events for 6 months.

3. Meeting (via phone/zoom) with the matchmakers to review ideal match and get to know you.

4. Meetings (via phone/zoom) to review date profile or WhatsApp communication. .

5. Review meetings (via phone/zoom or WhatsApp) after each date or event, plus date and event feedback.

All of the above is an overview of what is offered, we will send a contract with all information and exact details/terms.

By purchasing this product or filling out our questionnaire, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy and our code of conduct.

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by clicking purchase on any membership level, you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy and agree to review and sign our code of conduct